Stages in the Life of Faith: God's Pursuit of Us Throughout Life's Spiritual Journey
Join life coach Karen Fenter for a two-week class learning about
the stages of life in faith.
This course presents the life-long spiritual journey in which God actively calls us to greater intimacy with him. Christian leaders who take this course will not only gain a better understanding of where they personally are in their own spiritual journey, but will also gain insight into how to better minister to those they serve.
The class will meet twice during the month of May and will include the opportunity to complete a spiritual assessment to learn which stage of life in faith you are in currently and how to put that knowledge into practice. For individuals desiring a one-on-one review of their assessment, they will be able to set up a virtual appointment with Karen after the class wraps up.
This class is open to both men and women in ministry.
There will be two sections for the class, each meeting twice at different times. Each session will last around an hour.
Section 1: Thursdays at 9:00 am CDT (Central Daylight Savings Time), May 13 and 20
Section 2: Thursdays at 7:00 pm CDT, May 13 and 20
(To figure out what time that would be locally, you can go to Compare the time listed above in Dallas, Texas, to your local time.)
When you register below, choose the section that will work best with your schedule and time zone.
Having served 15 years as a missionary in Brazil with her late husband, Eugene Goudeau, Karen played a key role in the creation of Come before Winter, helping write the mission statement and serving as an adviser. She returned from the field and taught school for twenty years, thirteen of which were working with dyslexic children. She works now as a coach for missionaries-in-training. She loves learning and sharing about spiritual disciplines and spiritual formation. She and her husband, Randy, have five children and thirteen grandchildren.